Kybella is known as the injectable product that miraculously melts a double chin. This treatment is safe, minimally invasive, and long-lasting. You’ll have virtually no downtime afterwards, and the results are simply unbelievable.

What Are The Causes Of A Double Chin?

There are many different factors that can cause the appearance of a double chin. When you notice a double chin in the mirror, your first thought is weight gain. This is a possibility, but there are other potential causes as well.

Aging is one of the major reasons why you might be developing a double chin. As you age, your skin loses some of its natural elasticity, causing it to droop. The extra sagging skin can collect at the bottom of your chin, giving you an unseemly bulge.

Your posture could also contribute to a double chin. If you’re leading a sedentary lifestyle and are often in front of the computer, the way you hold your neck through the day can have an impact on your chin. When you don’t use the surrounding muscles in your neck, the skin supporting those muscles loses its elasticity and contributes to the development of a double chin over time.

Genetics can play a big part. If you have a family history of low skin elasticity, then the development of a double chin is to be expected. Weight gain can also contribute to the development of a double chin. Even if you don’t go beyond your required calorie intake, if it’s only junk food and sugary food you’re eating, then a double chin is almost inevitable.

Getting Rid Of A Double Chin

Although there are many exercises that you could try in order to address your double chin, not many of them usually make a difference. Surgical procedures can resolve your double chin, but they involve downtime and a healing period. The recovery process typically interferes with your daily schedule for a time.

Kybella is the only FDA-approved minimally invasive non-surgical method of getting rid of a double chin once and for all.

What Exactly Is Kybella And How Does It Work?

Kybella destroys fat cells through a series of minimally invasive injectable treatments. The product mimics the body’s natural ability to absorb fat. It’s made from a synthetic version of deoxycholic acid, which is a naturally occurring substance that helps you to absorb dietary fats.

The product destroys the membranes of the fat cells that have been targeted. This prevents these cells from ever storing fat in that specific region again. The destroyed fat cells will be eliminated by the body gradually through natural processes.

Results start manifesting after your body eliminates the fatty cells that have been destroyed by the Kybella injectable. You will start noticing results after approximately four to six weeks from the treatment date.

The results appear in the form of a chin that looks slim and sleek. Never again will you have to shy away from the camera because you’re too embarrassed about your double chin.

Get Started With Your Treatment

At Laser MD Medspa, we give clients the aesthetic results they desire through minimally invasive and non-invasive treatments. Contact our office if you would like to set up an informative consultation.